Mo Yi (Ink Impression)-Exhibition of Five Ink Artists
Organizer: The Victorian Artists Society(Australia), Yan Huang Art Museum (China)
Co-organizer: Huaao International Media PTY LTD.
Openning: 6pm, 22nd July, 2015
Duration: 22nd - 28th July, 2015
Venue: 430 Albert Street, East Melbourne, Australia
Artists: Cui Xiaodong, Wang Yanping, Kanazawa Yuna, LiXi, Wu Nan
Contemporary Chinese ink painting derived from traditional Literati Painting. It embraces theintertwined cultural exchange between the East and the West occurred in lasthundred years. Chinese ink painting has altered its aspects and approaches duringthe shift of century. Contemporary artists pay close attention to modern lifeas well as the rural nature. By introducing painting from life, the artistshaverevitalized this traditional medium to flourish within the time it resides.
The “Mo Yi (Ink Impression) –Exhibition of Five Ink Artists” wasinitiated by The Victorian Artists Society in collaboration with Yan Huang Art Museum, and implemented by Huaao International Media PTY LTD.The distinctive styles presented in this exhibition – some artistsenrootin tradition and treasure the Eastern aesthetics and ideologies; the othersassimilate the Western abstraction and found their personal styles – are aminiature of the result of century-long collision between the Western Modernismand the Eastern reminiscence. Such diversity has constituted the vigorousartistic ecology of contemporary Chinese ink painting.
As one of the culturalexchange programs carried out by Yan Huang Art Museum, the works inthisexhibition represent and reflect the multiculturalist and diversified aspectsof contemporary Chinese ink painting. We hope these works that possess bothexquisite Eastern sensitivity and Western cultural element, could evokenewperception and sensation for the local audience about Chinese ink painting aswell as Chinese culture.