
正经的外乡人/New Legal Aliens

2018.05.12 15:00
2018.05.12 ~ 2018.05.23





Organizer: Yan Huang Art Museum

Opening: 3pm, May 12, 2018

Duration: May 12-23, 2018

Venue: 2nd floor exhibition hallof Yan Huang Art Museum

Opening Hours: Tue-Sun(Closed on Mon)09:30-17:00 (No entry after 16:30)

Address: No.9 Hui Zhong Road, Ya Yun Cun, ChaoyangDistrict, Beijing







《正经的外乡人》提出了问题:我们如何真正理解和尊重外乡的文化并很好地融入其中 ?同时用什么方式和“他人”(或者说他乡人)发生关系呢?艺术家们用何种媒介或方法来表现这种文化或社会的异同呢?


Is it possible to embrace the global ethos by using local cultures? If it is possible, embracing the differences between us is an “all too human” trait (Nietzsche). Embracing the “other” becomes a form of mutual collaboration with strangers. 

Whether in their home country or abroad, artists can be viewed as foreigners within their own cultures. Artists negotiate societies as cultural travellers in exceptional situations and in everyday life. 

Perhaps they provide a form of social or intellectual objectivity wherever they are, contributing ideas and aesthetics to the global ethos. Artworks provide local dialogues that might lead to international communications, opening social conduits.

The selected artworks in this exhibition reveal uncertain truths and channels among us. They offer opportunities to engage in social mindfulness and at the same time in the global discourse.

Pop culture can be considered a social currency—what is current in societies at that moment in time. The pop-singer Sting wrote a song entitled An Englishman in New York. This song became the conceptual foundation for the exhibition New Legal Aliens. The song expresses Sting’s feelings of being an outsider. As an Englishman, no matter how long he lived in New York he felt that he would never be a “New Yorker”.

This exhibition toys with trans-cultural phenomena represented by the selected artists. They are from many countries (including China), all calling Beijing their home. The concept of “place” influences our understanding of who and where we are. Their artworks inadvertently reveal cultural situations, contexts, and slippages.

New Legal Aliens is a celebratory exhibition about the phenomena of human “difference”, and how it exists in a cultural landscape within China.